91 research outputs found

    Human Action Recognition based on Deep Learning

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá konvolučními neuronovými sítěmi a jejich využitím v rámci rozpoznávání lidských činností s využitím hlubokého učení. V první části je popsána podstata konvoluční neuronové sítě a hlubokého učení. Dále jsou objasněny okruhy neuronových sítí z hlediska problematiky rozpoznávání lidských činností. Tyto poznatky jsou nadále využity k experimentu, kde dochází k tréninku sítě ResNet na datasetech MSR a KARD. Další součástí experimentu je odzkoušení metody generování dat na zmíněných datasetech a jejich porovnání s výchozím tréninkem. V závěru experimentu jsou přínos a potenciální nedostatky této metody zhodnoceny.This bachelor thesis deals with convolutional neural networks and their usage in terms of human action recognition. The first part covers fundametals of convolutional neural network and deep learning. In the next part topics of neural network from the human action recognition point of view are described aswell. This knowledge is furthermore used for an experiment where ResNet network is used for training on both MSR and KARD datasets alike. The next part of the experiment covers a method for data generation on said datasets and its comparison with default training. In the experiment's conclusion the benefit and possible drawbacks of this method are evaluated.460 - Katedra informatikyvýborn

    Legal regulation of beekeeping

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    59 14. Závěr Ačkoliv není právní úprava včelařství v České republice zahrnuta v žádném speciálním zákoně, lze konstatovat, že celá problematika je všemi dotčenými právními předpisy upravena komplexně a zákonodárce nevynechal žádnou významnou oblast. Legislativní rámec, upravující oblast rostlinolékařské péče vylučuje možnost poškození necílových organismů včetně včel. Současná právní úprava veterinární péče o zdraví včel dává záruku kvalitních včelařských produktů bez reziduí farmak, pokud chovatelé dodrží předepsané postupy léčby. Díky kvalitní organizaci ČSV, který sdružuje naprostou většinu všech chovatelů včel v České republice a jednotnému postupu při léčbě nebezpečných nákaz včel, bylo v celorepublikovém měřítku dosaženo výborných léčebných výsledků v boji proti varroáze. Podzimní a zimní úhyny v sezóně 2007/2008 nenabyly rozsahu úhynů, které postihly jiné členské státy EU. V České republice rovněž nebyla zaznamenána rezistence roztoče VD v takové míře jako u západních sousedů. Důvod je spatřován opět v jednotném postupu při léčbě varroázy a v poměrně přísných podmínkách pro samostatné získání léčiv, které jsou vydávány pouze na veterinární předpis. Dalším problémem je mor včelího plodu, který decimuje včelstva na mnoha místech země. K potírání této nákazy je třeba přistupovat co nejdůsledněji, avšak...67 Legal regulation of beekeeping No bees, no plants. Beekeeping is a nessesity, which warrants quantity and quality of agricultural production, that is why this section regulated by law. There is no special apicultural act in Czech republic. Legal regulation of beekeeping is divided into a few branches. Provisions, which are related to beekeeping are involved in Civil Code, Veterinary Act, Plant medicine Act, Foodstuff Act and so on. Most of provisions are involved in implementing regulations. Civil Code No. 40/1964 is concerned with statutory questions of a civil law, as a proprietary law, neighbour's rights and damages with beekeeping. Most frequent problems which the Civil Code deals with, are disputes between two neighbours, when the first one, who is afraid of bees asserts, that the other neighbour's beekeeping interferes with his owner's freedom, because he can't use his property. He may for example be allergic to bee stings. Civil jurisdiction answer the question what is a bee bothering and when is it adequate or unadequate. There are a few crimes possibly concerned with beekeeping, grounded in Criminal Code No. 140/1961. It might be felony theft, destroying another's property, and environmental leopardy. Plant medicine Act No. 326/2004 is that one, which protects the bees and other untarget...Department of Environmental LawKatedra práva životního prostředíFaculty of LawPrávnická fakult

    Impact of Different Pruning Practices on Height Growth of Paulownia Clon in Vitro 112(R)

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    We focused on the ability of one-year-old and two-year-old plants of Paulownia Clon in vitro 112(R) to sprout and grow branches, and on their pruning for their best possible growth on a plantation in Střelice u Brna. Furthermore, we carried out pruning on selected parts that comprised: spring pruning; reduction in the angle between the stem axis and one new growing sprout; and year-long pruning. The sprouting capacity of Paulownia was high-up to 56% (one-year-old plants) and 50% (two-year-old plants). Branches grew on 34% of all one-year-old plants and on 57% of all two-year-old plants. The best possible spring pruning method seems to be the keeping of one stem sprout or one stump sprout for one-year-old plants and one stem sprout for two-year-old plants. The newly growing stem sprout should be formed by bandaging it to the stem, and, as a result of this, the angle between the stem and the sprout can be reduced to 20o in contrast to 50o when the sprout is not bandaged. Our results suggest that it is best to take off the lower ⅓ of the branches and leaves, which leads to faster height growth of the plant.O

    Testing the Production Potential of Paulownia Clon In Vitro 112(R) in the Czech Republic

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    Paulownia is a deciduous fast-growing tree with intensive sprouting ability and is well adapted to various climatic and soil conditions. Its native area extends from the middle to the lower section of the Yangtze River. The aim of our research was to test the potential of Paulownia Clon in vitro 112(R) for production of saw timber in the conditions of the Czech Republic. In 2016, three private plantations were established-Střelice, Vlčatín and Vorel. The parameters that were measured were the total height, the height of the live above-ground part of each plant after the winter, the stem thickness at 10 cm above the ground, and the stem thickness at breast height. The measurements were taken from 2016 to 2021. At all plantations, the plants achieved very small mean annual increments in height (under 1 m) and thickness (under 1 cm). On average, 39% of the upper above-ground part of each plant was damaged by frost each winter and the cumulative mortality was 28% to 53%.O

    Comparison of the Biomass and Dendrometric Parameters of Norway Spruce with Its Different Representations in Young Stands at Lower Altitudes in the Czech Republic

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    In forestry, it is still common to plant the seedlings of and cultivate Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst) at lower altitudes; however, the climatic change that has been occurring increases evaporative demands in these areas. As a result, the spruce evidently suffers from drought, withers and loses its power to grow, thus, influencing stem thickness and tree-height growth, as well as biomass production. Therefore, the growth and biomass production of young (5-, 15- and 25-year-old) Norway spruce stands at these altitudes (i.e., from 200 to 500 m a.s.l.) was surveyed, as a case study, across the Training Forest Enterprise "Masaryk Forest" Křtiny. There, 48 stands with a varied representation of spruce (i.e., up to 30%, 31%-60%, 61%-90% and over 91%) were analyzed. In each stand, 12 trees were sampled across all social status classes (i.e., sub-dominant, co-dominant and dominant) in detail. Basic dendrometric parameters (such as the total tree height, height of the crown base and stem diameter at breast height) and the amount of the above-ground tree organ biomass (i.e., stem, branches and needles) were investigated. Based on the trends found in the biomass production here and climate change predictions, we recommend that Norway spruce be cultivated only in zones from an altitude of ca 400 m a.s.l., with an annual precipitation of 700 mm and an average annual temperature of 7 oC, and its percentage representation in the stand be no more than 30%.O

    Revize a nové nálezy fosfátů na historickém nalezišti Černovice u Tábora

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    Zajímavá asociace supergenních fosfátů a minerálů uranu byla nalezena na historické lokalitě Černovice u Tábora (kraj Vysočina, Česká republika). Fosfáty jsou zde vázány na trhliny a dutiny v grafitických rulách a kvarcitech. Beraunit vytváří radiálně uspořádané vláknité zelenavé, zelenohnědé až červenavě hnědé agregáty o velikosti do 1.5 mm. Carnotit byl nalezen jako žluté práškovité agregáty o velikosti do 1 mm v asociaci s metatorbernitem, fosfosideritem a metavariscitem. Historicky známý wavellit byl nově determinován jako fluorwavellit, je nejhojnějším fosfátem ve studované minerální asociaci a obvykle se vyskytuje jako kulovité agregáty o velikosti do 5 mm. Jeho barva je výrazně zonální, od modré v centrech agregátů po žlutou v jejich okrajových částech. Fosfosiderit - metavariscit tvoří světle zelené krusty o síle do 0.1 mm na krystalech křemene. Kakoxen se vyskytuje jako žluté krusty a radiálně uspořádané agregáty o velikosti do 0.2 mm. Kidwellit se vyskytuje jako zelené kulovité agregáty o velikosti do 0.1 mm. Leukofosfit byl nalezen jen velmi vzácně jako žluté a žlutavě zelené tabulkovité krystaly a jejich agregáty o velikosti do 0.01 mm narůstající na polokulovitém beraunitu. Metatorbernit vytváří zelené tabulkovité krystaly o velikosti do 3 mm. Natrodufrénit byl nalezen jako tmavě zelené až modravě zelené agregáty se světle zelenými nebo žlutavě zelenými zónami tvořící radiálně uspořádané agregáty o velikosti do 1.5 mm. Strengit byl pozorován jako kulovité agregáty bílé, světle šedé, krémové nebo žluté až oranžové barvy o velikosti do 4 mm ve čtyřech různých minerálních asociacích. Tyrkys tvoří jablečně zelené zonální krystaly o velikosti do 0.1 mm. Zjištěny zde byly i dvě variety variscitu; bílý variscit vytváří krusty na povrchu kulovitých agregátů strengitu a zelený variscit byl nalezen jako světle zelené krusty o síle do 1 mm. V práci jsou pro zjištěné minerální fáze podána rentgenová prášková data a kvantitativní chemické složení.An interesting supergene phosphate and uranium mineral association was found on the historical wavellite occurrence Černovice near Tábor (Vysočina region, Czech Republic). Phosphates are bound to cracks and cavities in graphitics gneisses and quartzites. Beraunite forms radially fibrous greenish, greenish brown to reddish brown aggregates up to 1.5 mm in size. Carnotite was found as yellow powdery aggregates up to 1 mm accross in association with metatorbernite, phosphosiderite and metavariscite. Historically known wavellite has been redefined as fluorwavellite. It is the most abundant phosphate in the studied mineral association, it usually occurs as spherical aggregates up to 5 mm in size. Its colour is significantly zonal, from blue in the centre of aggregates to yellow in the marginal part. Phosphosiderite-metavariscite forms light green crusts on quartz crystals thickeness up to 0.1 mm. Cacoxenite occurs as yellow crusts and radial aggregates up to 0.2 m in size. Kidwellite occurs as green spherical aggregates up to 0.1 mm in size. Leucophosphite was found only as a very rare yellow to yellowish green tabular crystals and their aggregates up to 0.01 mm in size on hemispherical beraunite.Metatorbernite forms green tabular crystals up to 3 mm in size. Natrodufrénite was found as dark green to bluish green aggregates with light green or yellowish green zones forming radial aggregates up to 1.5 mm in size. Strengite was observed as spherical aggregates of white, light gray, beige or yellow to orange color up to 4 mm in size in four different mineral associations. Turquoise forms apple green zonal crystals up to 0.1 mm in size. Two varieties of variscite was observed; white variscite forms crusts on the surface of spherical aggregates of the strengite and green variscite was found as light green crusts of thickness up to 1 mm in size. X-ray powder diffraction patterns and quantitative chemical composition for determined mineral phases are given in the paper

    The Reliability Of Maximal Voluntary Contraction Testing Of Upper And Lower Body Limbs And Trunk On Isometric Dynamometer

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    Cílem této studie bylo určení reliability měření maximální volní kontrakce na izometrickém dynamometru Vishay Tedea-Huntleigh Model 1042 ve vybraných kloubech horních a dolních končetin při flexi a extenzi. Měření bylo prováděno ve dvou dnech s 48h odpočinkem na skupině 20 studentů (6 žen, 25,0 ± 2,3 let; 14 mužů, 24,4 ± 2,7 let). Reliabilita byla hodnocena vnitrotřídním korelačním koeficientem reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient, ICC), modelem (3,k) a Pearsonovým koeficientem (r). ICC pro flexi a extenzi v loketním kloubu (LK) se pohyboval v rozmezí 0,92–0,96 (r =0,62–0,93), pro flexi a extenzi v kolenním kloubu (KK) dosahoval ICC 0,91–0,95 (r = 0,87–0,92) a pro úklon a předklon trupu byl ICC ro- ven 0,85 a 0,75.The aim of this study was to assess the reliability of isometric strength measurement in flexion and extension in the chosen joints of upper and lower body extremities using the dynamometer Vishay Tedea-Huntleigh Model 1042. The measurements were conducted over two days with a rest period of forty-eight hours between sessions. Twenty sport students took part in the study (6 females, 25 ± 2,3 years; 14 males, 24,4 ± 2,7 years). The method used was the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) model (3,k) and Pearson´s r to assess the reliability. ICC of elbow flexion and extension was 0,92–0,96 (r =0,62–0,93), knee flexion and extension 0,91–0,95 (r = 0,87–0,92), trunk abduction and flexion were 0,85 and 0,75

    Modeling Electromagnetic Nanostructures and Experimenting with Nanoelectric Elements to Form Periodic Structures

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    We discuss the numerical modeling of electromagnetic, carbon-based periodic structures, including graphene, graphane, graphite, and graphyne. The materials are suitable for sub-micron sensors, electric lines, and other applications, such as those within biomedicine, photonics, nano- and optoelectronics; in addition to these domains and branches, the applicability extends into, for example, microscopic solutions for modern SMART elements. The proposed classic and hybrid numerical models are based on analyzing a periodic structure with a high repeatability, and they exploit the concept of a carbon structure having its fundamental dimension in nanometers. The models can simulate harmonic and transient processes; are capable of evaluating the actual random motion of an electric charge as a source of spurious signals; and consider the parameters of harmonic signal propagation along the structure. The results obtained from the analysis are utilizable for the design of sensing devices based on carbon periodic structures and were employed in experiments with a plasma generator. The aim is to provide a broader overview of specialized nanostructural modeling, or, more concretely, to outline a model utilizable in evaluating the propagation of a signal along a structure’s surface

    Methods and Experiments for Sensing Variations in Solar Activity and Defining Their Impact on Heart Variability

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    This paper evaluates variations in solar activity and their impact on the human nervous system, including the manner in which human behavior and decision-making reflect such effects in the context of (symmetrical) social interactions. The relevant research showed that solar activity, manifesting itself through the exposure of the Earth to charged particles from the Sun, affects heart variability. The evaluation methods focused on examining the relationships between selected psychophysiological data and solar activity, which generally causes major alterations in the low-level electromagnetic field. The investigation within this paper revealed that low-level EMF changes are among the factors affecting heart rate variability and, thus, also variations at the spectral level of the rate, in the VLF, (f = 0.01-0.04 Hz), LF (f = 0.04-0.15 Hz), and HF (f = 0.15 az 0.40 Hz) bands. The results of the presented experiments can also be interpreted as an indirect explanation of sudden deaths and heart failures